Michael Eric Nelson is an American Author, Historian, Inventor, Mentor,
Philanthropist, monetary Scientist and Numismatic Expert. His undergraduate degrees are in
Business Administration and Economics, with minor concentrations in English, Geological
Sciences and Military Strategy. He is a graduate of Norwich University, the Military College of
Vermont. He has extensive international training from Brunel University, Buckinghamshire
College of Business, London, England, UK. He has lived in Laguna Beach, California, Las
Vegas, Nevada, Boston, Massachusetts, Northfield and Montpelier Vermont. He currently lives
between Montpelier, Vermont; Rhode Island and Barcelona, Spain.
Michael is Miquel in Catalá, the native tongue of the Catalan people, who occupy the city of
Barcelona, which is the seat of government for the autonomous region of Spain, known as
Catalonia. He is affectionately called Padrí Miquel. In Catalan Padrí is equal to the castellano
(español) nombre (name) Padrino, which in ingles (english) is known as G-dFather.
Padrí Miquel writes both children’s books and advanced programming / scientific works. The
childrens books are a pass time hobby, written for his love for his g-d children which are many.
He thrives knowing that the children will grow strong knowing they are loved and are armed with knowledge from the books he authors.
We hope you will continue to buy and read and give the books of Padrí Miquel to your little ones
and know that every book you purchase, has all its profits (if any) going to philanthropic causes
from animal rights, to people’s rights in conformity with the United Nations UDHR (Universal
Declaration of Human Rights).
He is an EagleScout, inventor, author, mentor, monetary scientist, and numismatic expert.
We welcome your feedback and hope you enjoy the Novellas, Books and workbooks.
Visit: www.elPadri.com for more books, workbooks, poetry, activity books by Padrí Miquel.